I read and agree with the Terms Of Service       
Name *
Last Name *
Game Identification (Nickname) *
Email *
User *
Password *
Confirm Password *
Promo Code

  • You can only register one time. If we detect more that one registration per user, we will be forced to delete both.
  • All the data you introduce is absolutely private and won't be made available to any third party entity. This information will only be used to help us administer our Website.
  • You must introduce trustworthy information or your registration might be deleted or rejected.
  • There is a difference between Username and Nickname. Nickname is used as your identification to the other users of the game, the Username is what you must use to login in the game. It's recommended that you don't choose the same Username and Nickname to avoid hacking attempts on your account.
  • If you are under 18, you need to have your parents' permission to play as you might be shown gambling advertisement. If you are under 13, you may not play Ball Manager.