1. All users that get caught breaking the following rules will be subject to account closure:
a) Create two or more accounts;
b) Control two or more teams (using different accounts);
c) Use any internal mean of communication to:
c.1) Make any kind of threats and/or personal offenses;
c.2) Post any kind of inappropriate/offensive/illegal content;
c.3) All messages that the administration might consider inappropriate or against the good spirit of the game.
d) Use any kind of feature to gain an unfair advantage over other users, going against the good spirit of the game.

2. A registration will be used to identify the user at www.ballmanager.abola.pt. This database is registered at the "Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados (CNPD)".
2.1. By registering an account with us, besides collecting all the data you have given us on the registration form, we are logging your IP address as well as data about your browser (User Agent, Browser resolution and Browser headers). We do that for logging reasons as well as make sure every user only has one account, according to these terms of service.
2.2. You can request the deletion of your account and all data at any time: to do that, please contact us through our ticket system

3. The privacy of your personal data is assured. All users must introduce trustworthy information when registering or they might be rejected/deleted.

4. We use cookies in this web page. However they are not used to extract information from you; We use them solely to help your navigation on the website. If you wish you can disable cookies on your browser preferences although you will lose some of the features available on the website.

5. BM Supporter won't allow you to break any of these important rules. By buying BM Supporter you'll be buying a service but you won't have any kind of special treatment regarding these rules. The Administration Team has the right to reject BM Supporter payments.

6. We reserve the right to choose whom we want to have playing this game.

7. The Administration Team has the right to close any account if - with the means that it has available - it believes it's breaking any of our rules.

8. The Administration Team has right to change the Terms of Service at any time.

If you accept this conditions you can continue with the registration process. If you don't, we advise you not to continue.